Montana Range Days is all about learning! Get a jump start on the contest and be ready to absorb all there is to offer at the workshops by downloading the plant lists and workbooks ahead of time. Also find the criteria for the illustrated talks and collections. See below for contest information regarding Top Range Hand and other contest information as well.
This award will be given to the individual youth who is 14 years old and has the highest total score from these five contests: Plant Identification, Plant Anatomy, Range Management, Illustrated Talks and Exhibits. Plant Identification scores will be used to break all ties. High point contests for the youth division may be won by the same individual more than once.
This award will be given to the individual youth age 15 to 19 (who has not graduated from High School), with the highest total score from these five contests: Plant Identification, Plant Anatomy, Range Management, Illustrated Talks and Exhibits. Plant Identification scores will be used to break all ties. This award can only be won once by the same individual. High point contests for the youth division may be won by the same individual more than once. The winner receives the traveling trophy and keeps it until the next year.
Not sure which contest you’ll be competing in? Or just wondering how everything works? Check out the rules document below for explanations of just about everything!
Find updated workbooks here. Everything you need to know about plant anatomy, identification, and more!
Plant lists are adjusted each year to reflect the vegetation of the current Range Days site – check out the plant lists for each division below!
Weeds, weeds, weeds! Discover the weed list and Montana Weed Control Association Resources
Find detailed criteria and scoring rubrics here!